FVWM: window placement idea / wish

From: Cameron Simpson <cs_at_zip.com.au>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 09:49:25 +1000

Is there a setting to say "don't overlap the window with the focus"?

Mozilla really really annoys me. I insists on scattering its windows
across the screen, which is a major PITA when middle-clicking my way down
an index or suchlike, making several windows, inevitably overlapping my
mouse at some point and screwing things up. I have an FvwmEvent monitoring
script, which catchs the Mozilla windows and puts them where I want with
FvwmCommand, but there's still this (temporal) window of opportunity
with with several windows strikes regularly.

Can I preempt Mozilla's placement fetishism more effectively?
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        cs_at_zip.com.au    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/
Elephants are too big, sheep have bony knees, cats have little clawsies, dogs
bark in the middle of the night and birds are too tiny. So men will do.
	- booter_at_catnip.berkeley.ca.us
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