FVWM: Two small questions

From: Stian Sletner <stian_at_sletner.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 13:53:53 +0200

Hello again. Two small questions.

Firstly, I'm using this setup,

    mouse 1 w m function alt-move

    destroyfunc alt-move
    addtofunc alt-move
    + m move

which allows me to move a window by clicking and dragging from anywhere
within it, using alt. However, it only works for focused windows (I'm
using clicktofocus, obviously). Any way I can make it either focus the
window first, or make it work for non-focused ones?

Secondly, I tend to alt-tab alot, and sometimes I do so while moving the
mouse around. This leads to disaster. :-) I suppose there's no way
around this, but I thought I'd mention it...

Stian Sletner
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