FVWM: Shortcut at desktop

From: Ripalda-Marin, Miguel-Angel <maripalda_at_elasa.siemens.es>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 13:29:39 +0100


I am trying to set a Shortcut in my desktop, to load an alternate keyboard
layout... I have tried with the following commands within my $HOME/.fvwm2rc,
but when I start X, it tells me that I cannot find any button. What am I
doing wrong? I'm with FVWM 2.5.5 on RH 7.2

ImagePath $HOME/.fvwm_icons

AddToFunc StartFunction "I" Module FvwmButtons
*FvwmButtons:Back black
*FvwmButtons:BoxSize smart
*FvwmButtons:Columns 2
*FvwmButtons:Font fixed
*FvwmButtons:Frame 0
*FvwmButtons:Geometry +0+0
*FvwmButtons:Padding 2 2
*FvwmButtons:Pixmap none
*FvwmButtons:Rows 1
*FvwmButtons:(Title "Spanish layout",Icon bomb.xpm,Center,`Exec loadkeys

Best regards,

Miguel Ángel Ripalda Marín
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