FVWM: TitleStyle gradient - convert to colorset?

From: Gregg Dameron <gregg.dameron_at_lmco.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 12:58:48 -0700

Running 2.4.5 on Solaris.

I've got TitleStyles set up with an HGradient:

SetEnv GrayBackgnd rgb:d4/d0/c8
SetEnv ActiveGradL rgb:0a/24/6a
SetEnv ActiveGradR rgb:a6/ca/f0
SetEnv InactiveGradL rgb:80/80/80
SetEnv InactiveGradR rgb:c0/c0/c0

Style * ForeColor gray87, BackColor $[GrayBackgnd]
Style * HilightFore white, HilightBack $[GrayBackgnd]

TitleStyle ActiveUp HGradient 80 $[ActiveGradL] $[ActiveGradR] -- Flat
TitleStyle ActiveDown HGradient 80 $[ActiveGradL] $[ActiveGradR] -- Flat

TitleStyle Inactive HGradient 80 $[InactiveGradL] $[InactiveGradR] --

I'd like to convert to FvwmTheme colorsets. I tried:

[same SetEnv's]

*FvwmTheme: Colorset 1 fg gray87, bg $[GrayBackgnd], \
    HGradient 80 $[InactiveGradL] $[InactiveGradR]
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 2 fg white, bg $[GrayBackgnd], \
    HGradient 80 $[ActiveGradL] $[ActiveGradR]

ModuleSynchronous Timeout 5 FvwmTheme

Style * Colorset 1, BorderColorset 1
Style * HilightColorset 2, HilightBorderColorset 2

TitleStyle ActiveUp -- Flat
TitleStyle ActiveDown -- Flat
TitleStyle Inactive -- Flat

The "fg" and "bg" colorset settings are honored, but I'm not getting the
gradients -- window titlebars are always the (solid) "bg" color, whether
focused or not. Suggestions?

Gregg Dameron

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