FVWM: Ugliness after upgrading

From: Jeff Shipman <shippy_at_nmt.edu>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 18:47:07 -0700

I started out using fvwm v2.2.4, and after
upgrading to v2.4.4 my windows started looking
ugly. I'm having trouble finding the option to
get rid of the ugly border. Attached are a good
and bad .png file with the respective screenshots.
These gray borders are appearing everywhere, in
my menus, between my windowlist items, buttons,
etc. Please help me change the color back to
what it was before.

Jeff "Shippy" Shipman     E-Mail: shippy_at_nmt.edu
Computer Science Major    ICQ: 1786493
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Homepage: http://www.nmt.edu/~shippy

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(image/png attachment: good.png)

(image/png attachment: bad.png)

Received on Wed Feb 27 2002 - 19:45:27 GMT

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