Re: FVWM: config file for themes

From: Walter Dnes <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 19:24:54 -0500

On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 02:12:22AM +0000, Ian Truelsen wrote
> I got fvwm working (many thanks to all who helped out), now I want to add
> some programs and such. Now, I am using one of the themes, Afterstep to be
> precise, and I don't really want to do all the heavy lifting of designing
> all the theme based stuff right now. Where do I find the fvwmrc file that is
> used by the theme? I haven't been able to find it with either a locate or
> find search.

  Your "master" file is ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc

  It can contain multiple "Read" commands, which will read in
instructions from other files. To get a menu to pop up, you have to
bind it to keyboard or mouse action. Before you do, here's the most
common booby-trap in FVWM. Make sure that the statement...

IgnoreModifiers L25

  is executed somwhere by fvwm. This prevents shift/capslock/scrollock
from interfering. I set {ALT-F10} to pop up "Mymenu"

Key F10 AT M Menu MyMenu Nop

  Oh yeah, we really should define "MyMenu". The syntax for adding
programs is...

+ "visible label" Exec exec program-name

  You don't have to use the full path if PATH is set up properly, but I
was a bit pedantic when I was setting up. Here's my main menu. Use it
as a working example. If you don't have one of the listed programs on
your system, it obviously won't run. Modify to suit your needs.

AddToMenu MyMenu "My Menu" Title
+ "Root Menu" Popup MenuFvwmRoot
+ "FVWM manuals" Popup FvwmManPage
+ "" Nop
+ "Citrix config" Exec exec /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfcmgr
+ "Citrix" Exec exec /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfica
+ "" Nop
+ "&AbiWord" Exec exec /usr/bin/AbiWord
+ "&Gimp" Exec exec /usr/bin/gimp
+ "&Mozilla" Exec exec /misc/mozilla/mozilla
+ "&Netscape" Exec exec /usr/bin/netscape
+ "&Spreadsheet" Exec exec /usr/bin/gnumeric
+ "" Nop
+ "&Realplayer" Exec exec /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
+ "&XMMS" Exec exec /usr/bin/xmms
+ "" Nop
+ "&Freecell" Exec exec /usr/bin/freecell
+ "" Nop
+ "&Quit" Quit

Walter Dnes <>
If you had purchased $1000 of _at_home stock in 1999, today you would
have $1.30.  If you had purchased $1000 of beer in 1999, today you
would still have $59 in empty cans.
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Received on Thu Jan 17 2002 - 18:24:45 GMT

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