Re: FVWM: 2.2.4-4 -> 2.4.3-1 (ramble, errors, etc.)

From: Tenebrae <>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 14:16:56 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 15 Dec 2001, Erik Steffl wrote:

> (at least I assume once you comment that out it will go away, it can
> be also hardcoded in source, I didn't check for that)

The error "[FVWM][ParseBinding]: <<ERROR>> No such key: Help" went away
when I commented it out in ConfigFvwmDefaults. Yay!
Also, the great tips I received helped me get my FvwmButtons to stay put
and finally get an error term going in my X session. Yay again! Except
it likes to launch another window whenever I restart FVWM, so I end up
with two of them...

There are a few misc. things that have been added to FVWM 2.4.3 that I
still have yet to identify and modify (my goal is to seek out and destroy
all boring grey except in the lame TaskBar which deserves nothing
less - just to remind me of how lame I am to have kept it around all
these years).
I'm also kicking around the idea of replacing FvwmButtons with
FvwmWharf. I tried changing FvwmButtons from rows to columns, and it
didn't look quite how I wanted to. If I understand correctly, the Wharf
would make a reasonable substitute.

As a very visual person, I think it would be handy to have documentation
somewhere with screenshots with circles and arrows identifying the various
modules and components in action with the part of the .fvwm2rc file that
produces it. Glen Lee Edwards' site and the man pages are a great start,

Now I just have to figure out Eterm themes...
And quit rambling so much.
I need to get out more.

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Received on Sat Dec 15 2001 - 16:17:02 GMT

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