FVWM: Re: Icons with a frame.

From: Riswick, J.G.A. van <J.G.A.v.Riswick_at_tue.nl>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 12:20:40 +0100


Yes. I think there are two options, one is to grab some
code from borders.c, where the window borders are drawn
and (maybe functions draw_frame_relief or RedrawBorder)
and patch up someting in icons.c. Or one would have to
make fvwm handle it's own windows somehow, and then
the icon window could get all decorations of a normal
window (like was suggested on this list some time

best regards


>I also took a look at it. It seems, if I'm not mistaken, that it's icons.c
>that's responsible for the actual drawing/creating the icon windows. Also
>some new code handling a new Style directive would be needed I think.
>Something like: Style * MWMIcon [width] [height]
>There is also a datatype FVWMWindow that seems to contain among others
>fields for styles.
>Maybe if I get some time during the hollidays I could look into this
>further. But as you say it's probably quite much work.
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