FVWM: FvwmPager -transient

From: Riswick, J.G.A. van <J.G.A.v.Riswick_at_tue.nl>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 14:54:35 +0100


FvwmPager -transient lets pop up fvwmpager in a menu-
like fashion eg

Mouse 2 R A Module FvwmPager -transient 0 8

lets pop up the pager when one presses the root window,
and upon pressing on a page or desk, fvwmpager goes
away again. The difference with a menu is, that the pager
does not appear until the mousebutton has been released.
To switch to a certain desk, one then has to use a second
mouseclick. Whereas in a menu, one can invoke an item by
releasing the mouse, so here one needs only one mouseclick
to get someting done. Is it possible to get this type of
behaviour in with a transient fvwmbuttons?

best regards

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Received on Thu Nov 29 2001 - 07:54:38 GMT

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