FVWM: How do I combine decors?

From: Glen Lee Edwards <glen_at_fcwm.org>
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 20:27:27 -0500 (CDT)

I'm trying to modify window styles so I can have a different title bar style,
mainly different color gradients, for 3 or 4 programs I use frequently. Each
program will have it's own unique title bar coloring. I've found I can do this
with AddToDecor. However, it seems I have to define everything with scratch
with each decor.

What I need is one decor template that contains the default definitions for
ButtonStyle only, and then an additional decor defined for each window style
that I can combine with the default decor. For example:

AddToDecor Emacs
 + IncludeDecor Default
 + TitleStyle ActiveUp HGradient 128 3 rgb:60/40/ff 33 rgb:ff/ff/99 34 rgb:ff/ff/99 33 rgb:ff/00/ff

Something along those lines. But I haven't found a way to include the Default
decor's settings in those for Emacs.



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