FVWM: Difference between build in pager and pager as a module

From: Stefan Stonjek <stefan_at_zenith102.desy.de>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 15:59:38 +0200 (CEST)


at the moment I am using fvwm1 with its build in pager (not the pager as a
module). This pager allows to set the focus to a certain window on any
virtual desk just by left clicking it with the mouse. This moves the focus
to the clicked window and the viewpoint to the desktop the window is on.

The FvwmPager module shows a different behavior. With the left botton you
just change the viewpoint to the selected desktop while the middle button
set the focus to a certain window.

I prefer the behavior of the built in pager. But in version 2 there seems
to be no bulit in pager. Is it possible to set up the pager module in a
way that makes it works like the built in pager? What can I do to set the
viewpoint and the focus with a single mouse click?


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