FVWM: setting up special windows on startup automatically

From: Cyprian Laskowski <cyp_at_swagbelly.net>
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 12:22:27 -0700


Yesterday, it occurred to me: wait a minute: why have I not upgraded
my fvwm (my system came with 2.2.4)? I was astounded, as I could not
come up with a reasonable answer. Needless to say, I immediately
upgraded to 2.4.0 and am very pleased with the changes. Thanks a lot!
You guys rule!

Playing around with it also brought up an old issue, which I still
don't know how to solve:

On startup (in InitFunction), I like to start up one xterm and one
emacs, and have them treated specially for the duration of the
session: I want the xterm to be sticky, and I want special keybindings
that will immediately take me to both of these windows. But the
following doesn't work, and my other similar variants don't either.

AddToFunc InitFunction
+ 'I' Exec exec xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmaprc
+ 'I' Exec exec xbiff -geometry 50x50+1080+5
+ 'I' Exec exec xterm -font 7x13 -geometry 55x8+765+5 -T BANG
+ 'I' Wait xterm
+ 'I' Next FlipFocus
+ 'I' Stick
+ 'I' Key Return A 3 WindowId $w FlipFocus
+ 'I' Exec exec emacs -f eshell
+ 'I' Wait emacs
+ 'I' Next (emacs) FlipFocus
+ 'I' Key Return A 3C WindowId $w FlipFocus

The problem begins with Stick, but I suspect that my Key commands
aren't set up right either (although I know that Mod3 is set up right,
as it works in other, more standard situations). Could you show me
how to make this work?

BTW, the problem with Stick is also a problem I sometimes have with
FvwmCommand. Say I try (I know this is a silly example):

% FvwmCommand 'Stick'

Fvwm seems to wait for me to select a window, but I want it to just
use the current one. There are other commands with which I have the
same problem. But I'm probably just using the wrong approach, right?

Thanks in advance for any help,

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