Re: FVWM: when a menu is taller than the screen

From: Yngvi J'garseogn <>
Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 13:49:52 -0700 (PDT)


   Just to add my two cents worth . . . I also have this problem.

--FVWM2 Version--

[FVWM][main]: Fvwm Version 2.3.15 compiled on Mar 17 2000 at 16:58:55
[FVWM][main]: with support for: Stroke XPM

--WinList Invocation--

Mouse 3 R CM Module FvwmWinList Transient

--Problem Description--

Menu... >
  "<Click>", "<Enter>", "<Right Arrow>" all do Nothing.

Other items on list:
  "<Click>", "<Enter>" warp to the window, as expected.

All Items on list:
  "<Left Arrow>" list vanishes.
  "[0-9]" "[a-z]" "." warps (in turn) to each item with that "tag"
                        (no other action)


   See attachment

--How to Reproduce--

   The following script does the trick for me:)

----- lots-of-xterms --------------
typeset -i XTERM=0
while [[ $XTERM -lt 60 ]]
  xterm &
  sleep 1

   For this test, I brought up FVWM2 with fvwmbuttons and 1 xterm
running, I then run the script above (lots-of-xterms). Once it settles
down, I hold down the control key and poke mouse3, up pops the
FVWMWinList, I mouse&|scroll to "Menu..." and the only things I can do
that get any response is [0-9] [a-z] & [Left Arrow], and none of those
fire the "Menu" (so to speak).


.----------------- ------------------------------------------------
| Greg LeVee | UNIX _is_ user friendly. |
| | It's just selective about who its friends are. |
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