FVWM: fvwm Access to Resource Database

From: Leo deck <Leo.Deck_at_trw.com>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 07:30:59 -0800

I have fvwm configured (via .fvwmrc) to execute a shell script when a particular selection is made from the fvwm "StartMenu". The shell script sets some environment variables and starts an X-Windows GUI application. The GUI makes a call to XtVaAppInitialize() that causes a connection to the X server to be opened. The call to XtVaAppInitialize() also causes the resource database for the application to be loaded by the resource manager.

When fvwm has to manage the GUI application window after the GUI requests that the window be mapped, is there any way that fvwm can get access to the application's resource database? If so, please describe the way to access the application's resource database.

Thanks in advance.

Leo Deck

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Received on Mon Dec 06 1999 - 09:32:49 GMT

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