FVWM: FVWM Key modifiers

From: Ken Roberts <ken_at_worldnet.att.net>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 22:29:46 -0600 (CST)

Hello all,

I've searched the archives for a reference to key modifiers. Unless I've missed
something, (a distinct possibility) there is no way to add a key modifier.

What I want in specific is to make the windows keys into a modifier, in addition
to the shift, control, and meta keys.

What would also be nice is to be able to specify left or right modifiers. Has
anyone done this, or does this require a modification of the window manager?

If so, how likely is it that the authors are interested in doing this? I
haven't even found this mentioned in the archives, so maybe it's not a big thing
to everyone else.

It may also be that this can be accomplished through some other product, but I
don't understand how. If someone knows this, please tell me. Thanks.

    Ken Roberts ken.r_at_worldnet.att.net
                 Oft-times thou feelest like unto a nut,
                     And yet, M'lord, anon, feel'st thou not so.
                 Yon Almond Joy these selfsame nuts doth have,
                     Whereas contrary Mounds doth have them not.
                                 -- William Shakespeare, kind of

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Received on Sun Nov 21 1999 - 22:31:24 GMT

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