Re: FVWM: menu items

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 18:17:49 +0200

On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 08:53:30AM -0400, wrote:
> Hi folks.
> I'm new to the list so please be kind ;-/
> If someone could please point me to the docs that pertain to creation
> setup and altering of menues I will be glad to do the reading. I am in
> the process of setting up 125 work stations
> in an office and I talked the customer into Red Hat 6.0 but I need to
> add programs to menues

Basically you put the command 'AddToMenu' in the config file, e.g.

  Addtomenu WMMenu "Window managers" Title
  + afterstep Restart afterstep
  + blackbox Restart blackbox
  + gnome Beep
  + icewm Restart icewm
  + kde Restart kde
  + kwm Restart kwm
  + olwm Restart olwm
  + twm Restart twm

The '+' is just an abbreviation for the last AddToMenu command.
You will find the documentation in the fvwm2 man page. Look for
the AddToMenu command. You may want to read the sections for
'Menu', 'Popup' and 'MenuStyle' too.

Configuring the RedHat setup is a different story. I'm not
familiar with it myself, but there is a section in our FAQ:

  3.1 I use FVWM on a RedHat Linux system and can't figure out how to
       change my FVWM configuration. I've read the FVWM man page but when
       I edit my .fvwm2rc nothing seems to happen. What's going on?

  A: RedHat Linux installs the X server accompanied (by default) by a
     configuration management system. In earlier releases it was called
     TheNextLevel and in more recent releases it's called AnotherLevel.
     For further information about TheNextLevel, consult RedHat's
     documentation in /usr/doc/TheNextLevel/. For information about
     AnotherLevel, do a 'man AnotherLevel'.

> and icon links to spacific programs.

This is nothing the window manager is doing but usually a task of
the desktop environment (like GNOME, CDE or KDE). The only hint
I can give you is to try KFM (the file manager of KDE), but this
has a few severe limitations in how it plays with other window
managers than KWM (the window manager of KDE). A completely
different way of handling this problem is using the FvwmButtons
module of fvwm. Basically it is a box of buttons that trigger
actions like starting applications, moving windows or switching
pages upon a button press. It's even possible to make it look
transparent so you could fake the individual icon look. Please
have a look at the man page. I have attached of a screenshot
of the FvwmButtons I use. You will find one of my older
configs in the man page of FvwmButtons (the second full example).

> Sory about the newbie questions but everybody starts somewhere, rite

'course :-) Hope you didn't have any bad experiences with mailing
lists in the past.

> ..They are already running rh 6 and fvwm
> with no trouble and I have installed some .rpm pkgs that put the menu
> items where they belong. So how do I add the links to the menu when the
> setup doesn't?

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. What kind of 'links' are
you talking about?


Dominik ^_^

Dominik Vogt, Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Dept. BVS
Herrenberger Str.130, 71034 Boeblingen, Germany
phone: 07031/14-4596, fax: 07031/14-3883,
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Received on Tue Sep 07 1999 - 11:17:12 BST

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