(no subject)

From: Danny Ho <dho_at_cit.nepean.uws.edu.au>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 11:33:46 +1000 (EST)



I am currently using fvwm95 on freebsd and I want to customise my menu to
work with the current programs in the menu eg:- xview, maze,
acrobat,textedit, explorer etc. And I also want setup a menu called /stuff
that will include :- adobe acrobat 4, office(Applix) etc


1)How can I customize my menu so I can run the current applications in

2)How can I add an additon to the menu called stuff to include such
applications such as adobe acrobat 4 , office(Applix)

Thank you for your assistance people.

# The bible fortells that someone powerful would rise up and
# lead the world to destruction. And Bill Gates definitely has this kind
# of power in his hands.

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