From: John Carol Langford <jcl_at_gs176.sp.cs.cmu.edu>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:38:50 -0400

I've been playing with VNC (http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/)
lately and ran into a context switching problem.

The basic problem is that fvwm captures key events that you would like
to pass to VNC and the fvwm running for the Xvnc server. For example,
if you have:

Key F4 A M Destroy

and do an alt-F4 over the vnc window, you will destroy the vnc window.
Instead, I'd like to have the alt-F4 passed into the VNC window where
the fvwm running on the Xvnc server can be commanded to destroy a

Does anyone have a good solution to this?

I'd like to not arrange to have different command sets for the
internal and external fvwms - it becomes too confusing.

I messed with the code of void HandleKeyPress() to make it pass
events to the vnc window directly like so:

  if (Tmp_win && Tmp_win->frame_width == 1284 )
     /*my quick little hack to test if the window is a vnc window*/;
    for (key = Scr.AllBindings; key != NULL; key = key->NextBinding)
        if ((key->Button_Key == Event.xkey.keycode) &&
            ((key->Modifier == (modifier&(~LockMask)))||
             (key->Modifier == AnyModifier)) &&
            (key->Context & Context)&&
            (key->IsMouse == 0))
            ExecuteFunction(key->Action,Tmp_win, &Event,Context,-1);
  /* if we get here, no function key was bound to the key. Send it
   * to the client if it was in a window we know about.

This doesn't quite work. It appears to pass an 'Alt' fine but not an
'Alt+F4'. I suspect I don't fully understand the fvwm event model.
Any ideas?

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