Re: FVWM: Re: Empty function arguments (was Re: Finally moved to 2.2 etc etc)

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:03:14 -0400 (David S. Goldberg) writes:
> If you don't specify $1 $2 $3 then they should eval to null rather
> than to themselves, in the function call. That allows (and did allow
> in 2.0.46) a function to be written that could take an arbitrary (well
> up to 9) number of arguments. Because that's not happening, my call
> to FvwmForm is being exec'd with additional arguments that are
> apparently confusing either FvwmForm itself or some X library function
> it is calling. Unfortunately truss doesn't work at that high a level
> and trying to attach to fvwm with gdb screws up my windowing something
> awful :-) Hmmm. Maybe if I run fvwm in an Xnest server and attach to
> that. Hmmm. I won't have time to do it until next week, but if
> nothing else comes up I'll give it a shot then.

I don't think thats necessary, FvwmForm checks is arg count. If there
are too many args, its not going to run correctly. In the 2.2 time
frame, if the arg count isn't 7 (including the 6 from fvwm2), its
going to ignore the form name (MyQuitVerify), leading to creating a
bad window.

My guess is, we are going to fix this by making the extra args go away
like they apparently did in the past.

> --
> Dave Goldberg

Dan Espen
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