FVWM: Bug using FvwmM4

From: Tim Cutts <timc_at_chiark.greenend.org.uk>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 13:23:59 +0100

Affected fvwm versions: 2.2.[45]

I invoke fvwm on my machine with the the following command:

fvwm2 -cmd "FvwmM4 .fvwm2rc.m4"

The .xsession works out where I am, and sets an environment variable.
FvwmM4 then modifies my .fvwm2rc appropriate to the machine at which I
am actually sitting.

This works very nicely, except there seems to be a race condition which
prevents some windows being decorated with the correct styles (they get
decorated in the Fvwm default manner).

This suggests that the windows are being decorated while the FvwmM4
process is still running, and before all of the configuration file has
been parsed. Only some windows belonging to apps launched by my
.xsession are affected, and it's not always the same windows (it
presumably depends on how busy the machine is, and so on).

If I restart the window manager using Restart fvwm2 then the windows are
decorated correctly. It's just annoying having to do this every time I
log in.

Another workaroud is to put a sleep command for a few seconds in my
.xsession before launching fvwm, but that's just as irritating.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour before? I haven't seen any mention
of it in the change logs.

Thanks in advance,


Tim Cutts PhD                    Tel: +44 1223 454918
Incyte Genomics
Botanic House, 100 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1FF, UK
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Received on Thu Apr 26 2001 - 07:24:25 BST

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