Re: FVWM: FvwmAnimate

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 13:32:17 -0500

Local Echo <> writes:
> Is it possible to get FvwmAnimate to animate iconification if you have
> NoIcon set? Such as to FvwmTaskBar or FvwmIconBox or FvwmIconMan. say
> like if I swallow FvwmIconMan into a FvwmButtons so I have a pseudo
> taskbar but the window frames animate?

Yes it would be possible, but source code changes would be required.

The problem is that only the "NoIcon" modules (FvwmIconMan, etc.)
know where the other end of the animation is. Until those
modules are changed, FvwmAnimate only has 1/2 the information it
would need.

Until we come up with a motivated developer that likes animation
and wants to use one of the "NoIcon" modules, and has the time,
this project is pending.

This has been mentioned before, but just so we don't loose track
of this issue, I've added this request to the fvwm2 bug tracking

Dan Espen
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Received on Sat Mar 27 1999 - 12:33:55 GMT

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