FVWM: swallowed pager in 2.0.46

From: Andrew Laden <andrew_at_sgc.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 14:20:04 -0500 (EST)

Heya all

 Been testing fvwm for use in my company. Ran into 2 small issues with
FvwmButtons swallowing FvwmPager.

1st the specs. version 2.0.46, compilied with gcc. Solaris 2.5.1 sparc 5.

1: Occasionally on restart, even though the pager is swallowed by the
button bar, a second free floating pager appears. I suspect this is a
timing issue since I have FvwmPager specified in both the RestartFunction
and in the button specification. I am just curious if anyone else has seen
something similar.

2: Here is the fun one.

Create a button bar with a swallowed pager.
resize the bar. Pager resizes.
Inside the pager, drag a window (using mouse button2) from one page to
Resize the bar. The pager no longer resizes. It stays in a static position
in the window. It is still swallowed because it moves when you move the
bar, but it stays at the last known size, no matter how much you resize
the window.

 I tried playing with respawn as part of the swallow options. It seems
that the pager respawns every time you move a window in it as described. I
am guessing this is related.

Any ideas? I did a quick search of the archives and didnt see anything.



Andrew V. Laden               | Voice: (212) 486-8295
A.V.P. Technology             | Fax  : (212) 355-4271
Sakura Global Capital         | Quote: "Its not my fault!
andrew_at_sgc.com                |          They told me they fixed it!"
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