Re: FVWM: fvwm2 kiosk mode?

From: Michael M Han <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 13:04:13 -0700

I had good luck with this kind of thing using fvwm95. I chose fvwm95
because it require less configuration to make it provide a nice
Windows-like interface for our non-technical users. Here are some
hints that apply to either, working from the ground up:

Use xdm (on linux that'd be runlevel 5 default in your /etc/inittab)
Remove the entry for honoring CTR-ALT-DEL as a shutdown (can't
    remember where this is) if you're on an Intel-architecture
If your users know what they're doing w/ XFree, you'll probably want
    to turn off the CTR-ALT-BS option in your X server (didn't bother
    with this myself)
Once in FVWM, turn off all the menus except a minimal window-ops, a
    Start menu, and maybe a Start menu mirror accessed by a
    root-window click. Don't allow access to the shell. Once someone
    gets a shell prompt, game over. You lose.
With Netscape, fiddle with the .Xdefaults or app-defaults for Netscape
    so access to undesirable items isn't permitted: setting geometry
    to something like +1+1+1x1 for undesirable dialogs; commenting out
    menu entries in app-defaults; that kind of thing.
Be *very* careful about how your helpers are setup and *make sure*
    access to those configurations isn't permitted! Oh, telnet
    handling might be a good thing to get rid of, since a
    telnet:// would normally be honored, with fairly bad
    consequences I imagine.

Really, there's not a lot you need to do to fvwm other than stripping
out some configurations. A lot of the work needs to be done in other
places. I never got to go into production with my kiosks, but I felt
like I'd at least put together a real solid proof-of-concept. I'd
offer to share the .fvwm95rc and resources settings with you but the
machine I setup has been mothballed.

>Greetings. I didn't find this in the FAQs:
>Can someone point me toward information on "dumbing down" fvwm2 for
>use as a window manager for a public web-based (netscape) kiosk.
>The users will have access to the keyboard, mouse, netscape and helper
>applications, but I'd like to limit access to any other applications.
>(I don't have to implement total security through fvwm2.)
>I suspect an appropriate .fvwm2rc would do the job. (Do I just
>need to remove menus?)
>Please cc any replies directly to me since I'm not on the list.
>Thanks in advance.
mike (
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