FVWM: Window managers???

From: John Culleton <john_at_ccpl.carr.lib.md.us>
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 12:45:21 -0400

I am beginning to suffer from acronym overload. I use fvwm2.

I downloaded scwm (touted as the successor to fvwm) but could not get it
to do button bars or a pager. Then I inquired about Enlightenment but
was told it was resource hungry compared to fvwm. Now I see conversation
about Gnome and how to do gnome-like things with fvwm. What is Gnome and
what are itst strenths & weaknesses?

More generally is there a path forward from fvwm2 that incorporates the
critical functions (button bars, pagers, menus) but does not chew up
more resources than fvwm2? Or should I ignore the static and just stick
with fvwm2?

(I'm a little nervous. Previously I bet on Honeywell, Univac, OS/2 and
the Tandy 6000 :-( )
John R. Culleton, Jr.  john_at_ccpl.carr.org
Sykesville, MD 21784 U. S. A.
(410) 795-1159
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