Re: FVWM: NUTS! Can't get rsh working.

From: C. v. Stuckrad <>
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 19:25:00 +0200 (MET DST)

On Thu, 14 May 1998, Maxwell Spangler wrote:

> rsh -l maxwell toronto "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -display maxwax:0.0"

This _normally_ works well, but (*)

> This works fine, but when I attempt to place the same command within my
> .fvwm2rc file, it hangs when I execute it.

I've seen rsh's hanging, waiting for 'unnecessary' filedescriptors
which were inherited from their parent process!
So if the shell closes all descriptors before starting rsh but fvwm
somehow doesnt, *then* you might be in a fix. I once wrote a little Program
called 'claoseall' (used like nice and such) which closes all except the
first three descriptors, then execs the rest of the command line.

Sometimes though it's enough to run 'rsh without input' (with option '-n')
like 'rsh -n -l user host command'

> Switching to another virtual console and performing a 'ps' shows two rsh
> processes sitting there. Killing them doesn't do anything, I have to kill
> X or ALT-backspace to shut X down and restart.

This is *really* strange! I only have the idea to look for fvwm
being blocked by waiting for something which never happens :-)
Did you try to kill 'fvwm itself' (or does your session end then, so you
can't do that easily).

Somebody else advised to use 'ssh' ! I strongly soc[uo]nd that notion!
(OOPS, my vocabulary is slowly leaking... was that correct? )

'ssh' is a lot more secure and simpler anyway. Use it with '-n'
too in case you 'only start an xterm'.


Christoph von Stuckrad * * | talk to | <> \
Freie Universitaet Berlin |/_* | nickname | ...!unido!fub!leibniz!stucki|
Fachbereich Mathematik, EDV |\ * | 'stucki' | Tel:+49 30 838-75459 |
Arnimallee 2-6/14195 Berlin * * | on IRC | Fax:+49 30 838-75454 /

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