FVWM: specific window placement

From: Michael T. Carter <mcarter_at_rocke.electro.swri.edu>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 15:41:54 -0600

fvwm: 2.0.46
o/s: Solaris 2.5.1

I am currently converting the window manager for our user displays from
Motif (mwm) to fvwm. I like the ability to have multiple "displays" for
my application windows. The screen is just getting too small for all
the displays the users want.

What I am having a problem with is the placement of the application
windows. I have looked at SmartPlacement/DumbPlacement and
ActivePlacement/RandomPlacement. I have tried various combinations, but
I cannot get the window manager to allow the program to place its
windows where it wants to. There may be several windows starting up at
runtime and I do not wish to require the user to place each one
themselves. Also, the program has the ability to save the current
layout and thus, the windows should go back to the place if restarted.

I also noticed a USPosition and PPosition hint that can be specifed, but
I prefer not to modify already working code to add this. And plus, my X
Window System manual says that USPosition is an obsolete mask.

I was able to get the source code and "#if 0" around the code dealing
with looking for the USPostion and transient flags. Using just the
automatic placement works perfectly. I would still like the other
programs to use the fvwm placement capablilities so this is just a test

What I am looking for, I guess, is a ProgramPlacement flag that would be
similar to specifiying the USPosition hint for a desired executable:

        Style "*" RandomPlacement, SmartPlacement
        Style "XProg*" ProgramPlacement

If something like this currently exists, I would appreciate a pointer to
how to use it. Otherwise, is this the place to request fvwm

* Michael Carter  (mcarter_at_swri.edu) | Southwest Research Institute    *
* Sr. Research Analyst               | 6220 Culebra Road               *
* TEL/FAX: (210) 522-3933 / 522-2709 | San Antonio, Texas  78238-5166  *
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