FVWM: Help with ButtonStyles...

From: Pat Suwalski <Thing_at_WriteMe.Com>
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 19:50:53 -0600

Hi People!

I'm fairly new to fvwm2, and I have a question about ButtonStyle (don't be
going, yeah, yeah, here we go again)...

I put in the following into my .fvwm2rc:

ButtonStyle 1 MiniIcon

ButtonStyle 3 (PixMap Logo.xpm)

ButtonStyle 6 (PixMap Minimize.xpm)
ButtonStyle 6 InActive (PixMap Minimize-D.xpm)

ButtonStyle 4 (PixMap Maximize.xpm)
ButtonStyle 4 InActive (PixMap Maximize-D.xpm)

ButtonStyle 2 (PixMap Close.xpm)
ButtonStyle 2 InActive (PixMap Close-D.xpm)

Hoping to get Buttons 1 and 3 on the left side and Buttons 6, 4, and 2 on
the right side.
The problem is that when I run it, I get only these in the following order:
Button 1 on the Left, and Buttons 4 and 2 on the Right.

Am I doing something terribly wrong? Any help appreciated.

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Received on Sun Feb 01 1998 - 19:09:24 GMT

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