FVWM: FvwmTheme ColorSet question

From: Shao Zhang <shao_at_linuxfreak.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 18:39:55 +1100


I am trying to use FvwmTheme's ColorSet to setup transparent FvwmIconMan,
FvwmPager, and FvwmWinList.

With FvwmPager, I get away with the option *FvwmPagerPixmap. But I cannot get
the other two's color to match up with my background.

Here is what I have:

*FvwmThemeColorset 8 AspectPixmap debian.xpm
*FvwmThemeColorset 8 bg Average (tried with/without this line)
*FvwmPagerColorset * 8 (not working, wrong color)
*FvwmIconMan*Colorset 8 (not working, wrong color)
*FvwmWinListColorset 8 (not working, wrong color)

I am using Fvwm 2.3.28 on FreeBsd 4.2. Thanks for any help in advance.



Shao Zhang                          Tel:  (02) 9209 4838
Software Engineer                   Fax:  (02) 9209 4992
Redfern Broadband Networks (RBN)    Mail: szhang_at_RedfernNetworks.com
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Received on Mon Feb 26 2001 - 01:40:11 GMT

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