Re: FVWM: Releasing Mouse bindings under fvwm 2.0.46

From: Ted Faber <faber_at_ISI.EDU>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 13:50:40 -0800


Dan Espen wrote:
>Ted Faber <faber_at_ISI.EDU> writes:
>> The behavior I'd like is for windows to get the button events that
>> don't have bindings. In any case I think all windows should recieve
>> the same events.
>> If this is a bug, I'd like to get it on the bug list. I don't have
>> the time or fvwm coding experience to patch this easily.
>For this to be a bug, fvwm2 would have to be in conflict with its
>documentation. I think the relevant part is "recapture" from "man
> Recapture
> Causes fvwm to recapture all of its windows. This
> ensures that the latest style parameters will be used.
> The recapture operation is visually disturbing.

I'm not worried that Recapture doesn't add the bindings. In fact, if
the modified mouse keys are bound to fvwm functions and a window has
somehow escaped the bindings, Recapture puts them into effect.

What I'm concerned about is that executing

Bind Mouse 1 A C Iconify

and then

Bind Mouse 1 A C -

prevents applications from getting control-button-1 events when I push
the button in the application's window. On the other hand, a window
created after the command sequence does get those events. The
documentation that's concerning me is:

Mouse Button Context Modifiers Function
      Defines a mouse binding, or removes the binding if
      Function is '-'.

It seems to me that if the binding is removed the application should
see the events. This isn't explicitly stated there, but it seems
intuitive to me, and the inconsistency between a window that has its
bindings removed and one that is created after they are removed
distresses me.

>I think keys and buttons are associated with windows when the window
>is originally created in "add_window.c", in the functions "GrabKeys"
>and "GrabButtons".

If I get time to code dive, I'll start there, thanks.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ted Faber
USC/ISI Computer Scientist
(310) 822-1511 x190 PGP Key:

Version: 2.6.2

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