FVWM: .Xresources, .fvwm2rc, and .xsession

From: Jason Wells <jcwells_at_u.washington.edu>
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 1997 20:47:10 +0000

Having been a X user at the local university I never knew how much actually
went into creating a _good_ interface. Now that I am writing my own
interface I see that there is much work to do to get it right.

Many interface options that can be set in X can also be set in fvwm2. I
will give an example for the sake of discussion. For example: the
sample.fvwm2rc file has an init function to perform a root window change.
This same behavior can be accomplished via .xsession.

I do foresee a couple issues.

I use X at home, work, and school. I would like to design my interface so
that it is most portable between platforms. The problem is that fvwm is not
on all three locations. I use fvwm at home and would like my set up
elsewhere to be as similar as it can be to the home box.

The management of interface setting could easily become insane given the
possibilty of putting settings in any combination of different dot-files. I
have already tried to figured out why in the heck my xterm scrollbar as set
in .Xresources wasn't working anymore. (I got it figured out.) How does one
manage these settings in a sane manner?

Given the multiplicity of ways to create a certain interface, what other
issues are there that I might consider? Prior to installing FreeBSD at home
I never had to think much about interface.

Jason Wells
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Received on Mon Dec 08 1997 - 14:48:12 GMT

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