Re: FVWM: Key mapping

From: Viorel ANGHEL <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 09:41:46 -0500

On Mon, Nov 17, 1997 at 09:32:47AM +0100, A.J.vanWerven wrote:

> But now, how can I map a mouse-click to a keystroke ?
> (so, something like "Key Enter A SCM LeftMouseClick")

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 26 MAR 1996 15:51:19 GMT
From: Erik Fortune <>
Newgroups: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: FVWM: How to mouse click from keyboard?

If you have the X Keyboard (XKB) Extension, you can enable mouse keys,
which makes it possible to generate mouse motion and button events using
the keyboard. Events generated by MouseKeys are completely transparent --
they will work with any application that connects to a server that has
the X Keyboard Extension, regardless of whether the application itself
uses XKB.

XKB is enabled by default in X11R6.1. XFree86 3.1.2D is based on R6.1
and has the X Keyboard Extension. If you are using an earlier release
of X or XFree86, you won't have XKB and the following instructions will
not work:

You might also have to turn off server num lock for this to work. I
haven't tried and don't know for certain.

First, set up the Num Lock key so that Shift+Num_Lock toggles mouse keys:

xmodmap -e "keysym Num_lock = Num_Lock Pointer_EnableKeys"

Now press "Shift+Num_Lock" to enable MouseKeys. When MouseKeys are on:
o) The keypad arrow keys move the pointer
o) The keypad '5' key behaves like the 'default' pointer button
o) The keypad '0' key locks the default pointer button (for easy dragging)
o) The keypad '.' key unlock the default pointer button (to release a drag)
o) The keypad '+' key double-clicks the default pointer button.
o) The keypad '/' key sets the 'default' button to Button1
o) The keypad '*' key sets the default button to Button2
o) The keypad '-' key sets the default button to Button3

This is the default configuration. If, for some reason, this doesn't
meet your needs, drop me a message. This stuff is nearly infinitely
configurable if you're patient (this _is_ the X Window System after

-- Erik

| Erik Fortune | Sir Francis Drake circumsized the |
| Silicon Graphics Globalization R&D | world with a 100-foot clipper. |
| +1-415-933-1922 | -- Student Blooper |
           All opinions are my own, so leave my employer out of this

Viorel ANGHEL <>                "World domination. Fast!"                          (Linus Torvalds)
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Received on Tue Nov 18 1997 - 01:33:40 GMT

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