FVWM: How do I "Restart fvwm2" after exec another program?

From: Glen Lee Edwards <glenlee_at_perluser.net>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 21:13:26 -0600 (CST)

I have a script written that modifies some configuration settings for fvwm.
After executing the script I'd like to be able to have fvwm automatically
restart. I've tried the following, but it isn't working (all on one line):

*Xemacs(1x1+0+0 Frame 4 Title "Use Emacs", Action Exec exec xterm -e
"/home/glenlee/.fvwm/emacs.cgi" Restart fvwm2

Any suggestions?


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Received on Sat Feb 10 2001 - 21:10:19 GMT

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