Re: FVWM: file colors

From: Jeroen van der Zijp <>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 16:38:47 -0500 (CDT)

Here's a nice little shell script for colors :

---- showcolors -----

       # Display ANSI colours.
       echo -e "\t 40\t 41\t 42\t 43\t 44 45\t46\t 47"
       for fore in 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37; do
         line1="$fore "
         line2=" "
         for back in 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47; do
           line1="${line1}${esc}${back};${fore}m Normal ${esc}0m"
           line2="${line2}${esc}${back};${fore};1m Bold ${esc}0m"
         echo -e "$line1\n$line2"


Here's the content of my .bashrc file:

It sets the ls colors, and the prompt. The escape code \033]0;<blabla>\007 puts the user name
host name, and current working directory in the xterm title bar...

----- .bashrc ----

export LS_COLORS="no=1;37:fi=1;37:di=1;32:ln=1;36:pi=1;35:so=1;35:bd=1;35:cd=1;35:ex=1;33:lc=\e[:rc=m:*.gz=1;31:*.tar=1;31"

if [ $TERM = "linux" ]
PS1="\[\033[1;36m\]\u\[\033[1;33m\](\w)[\[\033[1;32m\]\t\[\033[1;33m\]]$\[\033[1;37m\] "
elif [ $TERM = "xterm" ]
PS1="\[\033[1;36m\]\u\[\033[1;33m\](\w)[\[\033[1;32m\]\t\[\033[1;33m\]]$\[\033[1;37m\] \[\033]0; \u_at_\h \w\007\]"
PS1="\u(\w)[\t]$ "


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