Re: FVWM: Problems with fvwm2

From: norvien <>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 1997 09:57:20 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks to those who responded to my queries...

Problem #3 (no key response in menus) has been solved -- I was using
"Menu" when I should have been using "Popup".

Problem #2 (no key response after exiting a window), I have been told,
is a Known Infelicity: hopefully this will be ironed out eventually.

Problem #1 (restated below) has not yet been solved. I tried invoking
xclock with -padding 0, tried setting up my FvwmButton with Padding 0 0
but neither (nor both together) worked. I seem to remember a NoTitle
option for the Buttons, but I haven't tried that yet -- maybe that
will work (although, since I don't explicitly give the clock a title,
why would this make a difference?).

> >Problem #1: When swallowing xclock into an FvwmButton, the clock is
> >too small, and won't respond to my efforts at making it larger. I'd
> >like it to fill up the button, but it stubbornly remains small.

Here's what the line looks like in my .fvwmbuttonsrc file (called by

(Icon clock.xpm Padding 0 0 Swallow(Respawn) xclock `Exec xclock
-bg khaki4 -padding 0` )

My only other comment, besides the fact that I think fvwm2 rocks, is
that I wish there was some way to tell a program to start on a certain
Page (not Desk) -- I've seen discussion of a StartsOnPage style, but
this is different than what I want -- I don't want a window _always_
to start on a certain page, just when I call it up in a certain
function -- so a modifier to Exec might do the trick. I don't know.
Maybe there is a way to do this already, and I just haven't found it
yet: if so, any advice would be appreciated.

Again, thanks to those who have helped me thus far.

Christopher Possanza

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