FVWM: Menu/Popup Errors - Unexplainable

From: Christopher Wolf <cwolf_at_micro.ti.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 10:12:49 -0500 (CDT)

I have a root menu that I display using Popup on the left mouse
button. This menu has two bars at the top, then the title, then one
more bar before the menu items.

AddToMenu MainMenu
+ "Main Menu" Title
+ "Xterms" Popup Xterm-Menu
+ "FVWM Modules" Popup Module-Menu
+ "Configure Menu" Popup Config-Menu
+ "Quit" Quit

Mouse 1 R A Popup "MainMenu"

   Main Menu
 FVWM Modules
 Configure Menu

If I pop up the menu, and then move my mouse between the top two bars,
FVWM generates the following message, every time:

[FVWM][executeModule]: <<ERROR>> Execution of module failed: /db/sds/bin/bin5/fvwm45/modules/
Permission denied

This only occurs when the mouse is left between those two bars. I'm
running FVWM 2.0.45 with the animate window patch and the patch to
rearrange the window list using Focus Follows Mouse in the manner
similar to Click to Focus (so FlipFocus works).

By the way, where can one find all these patches?


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Received on Thu Aug 14 1997 - 10:52:29 BST

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