Re: FVWM: netscape

From: Stephen Riehm <Stephen.Riehm_at_PC-Plus.DE>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 16:14:24 +0200 (MEZ)

Hi Richard Lister,

> On Mon, 2 Jun 1997 14:01:11 +0100 (BST)
> (Graeme McCaffery)
> wrote concerning 'FVWM: netscape':

> > basically I thought I would use a function to send a message to an
> > existing netscape or start up a new one with the hightlight text in question.

> Grab xcb from and use it in a
> script like this:

A slightly modified version of the script would be as follows, so that
netscape always gets tried with -remote first - otherwise if you tell
fvwm to start a new netscape, but you've got nothing selected, you'll
always get a new netscape, and netscape doesn't like sharing with
itself :-) (In my version of the script, I start netscape on a remote
machine, so I've got to pass the DISPLAY to the script aswell)


export DISPLAY

url=`xcb -S 0 && xcb -p 0`

if [ -n "$url" ]
  netscape -remote openURL\("$url"\) \
    || exec netscape "$url" &
  exec netscape -remote \
    || exec netscape &

exit 0

PS: Thanks to Graeme for the idea, I love it!

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