FVWM: Re: Query about .fvwm2-menu

From: David S. Goldberg <dsg_at_linus.mitre.org>
Date: 02 May 1997 10:07:33 -0400

> On 2 May 1997, Uncle Bulgaria wrote:
>> The problem I'm having (Or perhaps the request I'm making?) is for
>> some way of getting Fvwm2 to run a script before actually
>> quitting. The situation is that I want to update a couple of 'I'm
>> here' status files

> Fred L Drake suggested:
> Try defining a function named ExitFunction.

That was my first reaction too, but running Exec in the ExitFunction
may not work as expected since the Exec'd programs are effectively run
in the background so fvwm may quit before he wants it to. One
possibility would have the last script run a given X application and
then in the ExitFunction he could Wait for that application's window
before finishing. Another possibility is to bag ExitFunction (or, use
it for something else, and build and install FvwmCommand or FvwmPipe
(I prefer the former) from the extras directory. Run the FvwmCommandS
program in Init and Restart functions, then, from the shell script
call "FvwmCommand quit" and let the shell script figure out when to
actually do the quitting. FWIW, I use this feature to do lots of
funky stuff at startup. For example, in a shell script that I run
from my initfunction I set a style for Netscape that starts it on Desk
5. Then I do some funky stuff with xwininfo to detect that the
Netscape window has mapped, reset Netscape's style to start on Desk 3
and do a netscape -remote for the desired URL. After detecting that
that window has mapped I reset the style to StartsAnyWhere. In this
fashion I get complete control over fvwm from the shell. On top of
that, I don't think it's possible to do it in .fvwm2rc because I can't
seem to set a style in a function.

Dave Goldberg
Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS B305\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 617-271-3887
Email: dsg_at_mitre.org
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Received on Fri May 02 1997 - 09:07:59 BST

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