FVWM: flexibility of tkgoodstuff

From: <markcrim_at_umich.edu>
Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 12:21:43 -0400

I can't let pass the comment that tkgoodstuff is less flexible than
FvwmButtons! It's easy to bind any X event on a tkgoodstuff button. Just
write a simple client script. Start with the file Example.tcl in the
tkgoodstuff distribution. To find out how to specify X events (like <Double-3>
or <Enter> ), look at the man page for the "bind" Tcl command. True, you
can't take advantage of this flexibility through the GUI preferences manager,
but surely at some point the right way to offer power and flexibility is
through a scripting language, rather than a GUI tool or limited and obscure
rc-file syntax (remember, you're comparing it to FvwmButtons).

For those who want anything more sophisticated than dumb unix command buttons,
tkgoodstuff's client interface allows you to write simple Tcl/Tk scripts to
affect the button's display, behavior, etc., in any way you like.

For the non-power-user, there are the regular user-defined buttons (which are
more flexible that FvwmButtons in several respects, e.g., in automatically
becoming sunken when a window with a specified name is open), and there are
highly functional built-in clients: window list (icon manager), analog/digital
alarm clock, multi-folder Biff, multi-file file watcher, dialup networking
toggler/dialer, load monitor, GUI-configurable menu, etc., etc. A tkgoodstuff
panel can auto-minimize, can be dragged from sreen-edge to screen-edge, etc.
All this is configured with an on-line preferences manager, requiring no
memorization of funky syntax from man pages.

Tkgoodstuff is in beta for tcl/tk8.0 (which itself is still in alpha).
But it (like tcl/tk) is in pretty stable shape.

The tkgoodstuff homepage is:


I very much welcome collaborators on this project. Tcl/Tk is very easy to
learn, and new functionality is typically easy to develop. So if you find
something missing, let's talk about adding it.


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