FVWM: Animated Menus, Animated Moves, Improved Menus, and More!

From: Greg Badros <gjb_at_cs.washington.edu>
Date: 21 Apr 1997 17:21:58 -0700

I spent the weekend rewriting the menu code for fvwm-2.0.45 to better
support the keyboard (improving on my earlier patch). In the process I
added several other useful features. The description of the patch
appears below. The actual patch is available at:
"> patch </A>

To apply the patch, do something like

cd fvwm-2.0.45
patch -p1 <fvwm-2.0.45-menus-animation-gjb.patch

Look for *.rej files, then rebuild. The description and patch are also
available on my web page under "Newer stuff." I tested the changes and
applying the patch on a slackware-like Linux 2.0.29. The patch should
apply cleanly to an unmodified 2.0.45 tree.

Please cc: comments to me. I read the fvwm-workers list regularly, but
I don't subscribe to the fvwm list currently.

Greg J. Badros
Seattle, WA USA

This patch includes lots:

Added new commands:

  AnimatedMove -- works like move

  SetAnimation -- customizes how the animated moves (and menu movement) looks

  SetMenuDelay -- change how long to delay before popping up a submenu
                  when resting on a menu item (ala the famous win OS's menus)

  SetEnv -- Allow setting of environment which processes started
                  by fvwm2 will inherit. This uses "putenv" system call.

Changed commands:

  Move -- added greater flexibility so you can give destination
positions as stuff like "w+5p" to mean current window position + 5
pixels or "-2" to mean its right edge should be 2% of the screen height
> from the bottom [works for horizonal, too, of course]. See new man page

  MenuStyle -- added "animated" qualifier, along with type "win" to
               emulate more closely the famous win OS's menus look and feel

  AddToMenu -- Menus titles take side-pixmaps between "_at_" (at) characters and
                side-pixmap background colors between "^" (caret) characters. Also,
                substrings denoting regular pixmaps (between "%" characters) are removed
                even if that pixmap cannot be located; thus your menu still looks ok. A
                warning is printed to stderr, instead.

Almost complete rewrite of menus code:
These new menus support the keyboard much better than before. See the
improved man page. They also can animate out of your way when at the
right edge of the screen. Use animated menustyle and try it-- it's
easier to watch than explain. Also now supported is a delay before
popping up child menus when you rest on a menu item.

Note that the animation and the menu delay require the "usleep"
(micro-second sleep) system call. If you don't have it, "select" can
probably be contorted to do the right thing. See the man page for
"select" for your OS.

Internal Changes
I reindent some places where the indentation was not uniform and
confusing. I also changed a lot of #define-s to enum-s. Menu code is
*way* better now (though certainly could get even better-- in
particular, I didn't do anything specific to facilitate sticky menus).

Uses gperf to build "fvwm-command-hasher.c" which gets included by
functions.c. Reworked functions.c to use a hash lookup on a built-in's
name instead of linear lookup. Reduced my startup time by 15% or so.
You may need to give -DNO_GPERF if you have problems with this.

Sure, there's gotta be plenty. Email me at gjb_at_cs.washington.edu and let
me know. In particular, send me a minimal startup file and descriptions
of what to do to see the problem. Also send me your configure.h, I
suppose and tell me what platform you're working on.

USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! I am not responsible for the use of, the misuse
of, or anything to do with this patch.
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Received on Mon Apr 21 1997 - 19:23:20 BST

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