Re: FVWM: FvwmButtons: Swallowed apps and Actions

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 10 Apr 1997 14:53:40 +0200

>>>>> Markus Gutschke writes:

  Markus> Install "procmail" to automatically sort your mailinglists
  Markus> into a different spool file. Then "xbiff" won't see the new
  Markus> messages that arrive on the list.

I think installing xbiff *only* to ignore a few mails is overkill. I
RTFM'd and found that the "checkCommand" ressource is grokked by

,----- from ~/.Xdefaults
| XBiff*checkCommand: /home-local/grossjoh/bin/check-for-new-mail
| XBiff*onceOnly: true
| XBiff*update: 5

,----- ~/bin/check-for-new-mail
| if ( from | egrep -v 'debian' >/dev/null 2>&1 )
| then
| exit 0;
| else
| exit 2;
| fi

This works dandy, and it's simple to add to the egrep, too.

I already use the nifty mail splitting functions from Gnus and I'm so
happy with them that I don't want anything else.

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