FVWM: How do find what's using all the colours?

From: Brian Schroeder <BJS_at_sagres.com.au>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 9:28:07 +1030

I am running fvwm 2.045 on a sun with Solaris 2.5.1 and X11R6.3. I have gone
through all my pixmap selections and my fvwmrc to try to minimize colour
usage, but still seem to have used up all my colours. I have recently
discovered the cnice program, and it gives me the following information about
my colour usage:

used: 2, shared: 254, free: 0

So, does anyone know of an easy way to find out where all my colours are

 ,-_|\ Brian Schroeder | He who lives to benefit himself
/ \ bjs_at_sagres.com.au | confers on the world a benefit
\_,-*_/ Boral Energy Resources Ltd | when he dies.
     v Adelaide Australia | TERTULLIAN
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