Re: FVWM: boxed icons

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 09:24:11 -0500

>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Spielman <> writes:

Let me start this with explaining my silence over these last couple of
weeks (months?). I've been super busy both at work and at home, so
I've been forced to basically ignore a lot of email concerning fvwm
(and anything else non-real-work related).

I wish to apologize - I hope no one feels slighted by this, but it has
been necessary. I do have all of the notes archived locally and I've
been making notes about which ones I need to go back to, consider for
2.0.46, etc. So hopefully I'll address them all eventually. :)

Ian> HI! I have a patch that makes iconified fvwm windows have the NextStep
Ian> Gradient-shaded look (and are thus 64x64 boxes). This patch applies
Ian> cleanly to fvwm 2.0.45 and can be found by following a link from my
Ian> homepage at:

Ian> Chuck: If I modify this patch so it is another icon-style (GradientIcon)
Ian> Would there be any chance that it would be accpeted to the standard
Ian> distribution for 2.0.46? The code is clean and it is no more hack-like
Ian> than any other part of fvwm. (Which doesn't accualy say very much)

I did pick up this patch both the first time you posted it and again
when you brought it up again. I looked at it briefly and it's not too
bad, but I can't guarantee that it'll make it into 2.0.46 (I have to
think about its potential impact to getting 2.1.0 out finially, which
I'd like to do so bigger fixes/changes can be made).

It (or some variant of its idea) will make it in eventually though.

I could just put it in as is right now as a compile time option, but
to do it "right" I'd like to clean things up and have that and the
titlestyle stuff (and eventually the menu code, since someone asked
for that too) all share some gradient code, which is a sizable change
that means it should really wait until after 2.1.0.

Plus, it might not be bad to add some additional code to be able to
specify a specific XPM to use as the icon bg instead of the Gradient,
a way to set the size instead of a fixed 64x64, how any border should
be drawn, how the icon title text box should look, etc. Uh-oh - this
is begininng to sound like it should be a new config parm, IconStyle.
Well, I guess That'd fit in with this new borderstyle / titlestyle /
decor thing we have going now. More food for thought anyways...

But, perhaps I could just put it in as a compile time option nearly
'as is' just to keep people happy for now, then fix things up later.
I'll have to think about that some more...

Taken too long to type this...back to the grind...


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