FVWM: Re: OT: react against spam mail

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_math.uh.edu>
Date: 19 Jan 2001 11:15:09 -0600

>>>>> "wtL" == wing tung Leung <tg_at_skynet.be> writes:

wtL> Sorry to be off-topic somehow, but I want to know if the "list
wtL> operator" has some well defined policy against spam mail.

Uh, it's pretty simple. We don't want any. If you get some, complain to
the people who sent it. Go to spam.abuse.net for some info. Complain to
the appropriate people. Don't complain to the list (it just wastes more
bandwidth) and don't complain to the network admins at my University, like
some people have done.

And FYI, this list sees only a fraction of the spam that is sent to it. I
filter out a whole lot of it.

 - J<
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