FVWM: What an improvement!

From: Glen Lee Edwards <glenlee_at_perluser.net>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 01:41:31 -0600 (CST)

Just started using 2.3.27 today, and admittedly am fairly new to FVWM, but this
new setup with these new features are an absolute dream! I was able to get
multiple panels to work without a hitch, customized to programs and commands I
frequently use, one of which is set up for different root window backgrounds I
like to use, so I can quickly change them with a click of the mouse.

I love the Alt-Tab feature that allows me to tab through the Window List.

The Restart feature seems to be working much better also. I had trouble with it
under 2.2.4, but in 2.3.27 it restarts FVWM with any new modifications I've made
to ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc included, plus it remembers all the apps I had running and
keeps them alive. I was surprised and very pleased when the kill ring in Xemacs
still had the data after doing a Restart fvwm2, so I could paste the copied text
into Panel modifications I was making after trying out a new configuration.

One thing's for certain: FVWM is definitely a programmers/working man's window
manager. I can make it fit into what I need it to do, instead of having to
force myself to fit into what other window manager's allow me to do.

Thanks! And keep up the good work!


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Received on Fri Jan 19 2001 - 01:39:41 GMT

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