Re: FVWM: Trouble with Swallow (UseOld,Noclose) in 2.0.45

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 97 16:49:17 +0100

>>>>> gottlieb writes:

g> I am running 2.0.45 and find this doesn't work as advertised.

g> I had been using
g> *FvwmButtons(2x2, Size 50 50, \
g> Swallow(UseOld,NoClose) XClock "Exec xclock -padding 3")

g> It looks fine on the display but if I do a Researt fvwm2
g> I have two clock processes (as revealed by ps x).

g> It appears that after the old clock is released by button-bar, it is
g> not reacquired.

g> If, after say three clocks are listed by ps I close the button bar
g> without restarting, the swallowed clock is unswallowed as expected but
g> there is only one clock displayed and winlist shows only one clock
g> entry (but ps x still shows 3).

g> I have also tried this with another client, xbuffy, with very similar
g> results.

there still is 'the timing bug' in module restarts:

fvwmbuttons needs time to unswallow its subwindows, or they're not mapped,
when the new FvwmButtons is started.
If the new button bar cannot find a mapped clock, it starts a new one.
simple and difficult to handle.

I had exactly the same symptoms. I now use:

AddToFunc ExitFunction "I" KillModule FvwmButtons
+ "I" FvwmBanner
+ "I" Wait FvwmBanner

AddToFunc RestartFunction "I" Module FvwmButtons
+ "I" Module FvwmAuto 500
+ "I" FvwmBanner
+ "I" Wait FvwmBanner
+ "I" Next [emacs] focus

the FvwmBanner / Wait FvwmBanner provides time for the old windows to be

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What did you dream? It's alright we told you what to dream.
You dreamed of a big star, he played a mean guitar,
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