Re: FVWM: Use of PipeRead or how do you get date into a button?

From: Martin Cartwright <M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 10:47:40 GMT

=> Subject: FVWM: Use of PipeRead or how do you get date into a button?
=> From: Bob Taylor <>
=> I would like to have todays day and date displayed in an FvwmButton. I
=> have tried:
=> *FvwmButtons(2x1,Swallow "" PipeRead 'date -d today "+%a %b %-d %Y"')
=> and various pertubations. I'm currently running fvwm-2.0.43 and I'm out of
=> ideas! Pointers to doc's on PipeRead welcome!
=> Thanks in advance.
=> Bob

If you don't fancy patching anything as Christophe suggested you could
get hold of xcal. This is a fairly simple calendar program. I don't use
it for keeping track of appointments or anything (although you can) I just
swallow the window that displays today's day and date.

See my fvwm page for an idea of how it looks. There's a screenshot there
somewhere. -
| "The general procedure is to jump 200 feet in the air |
| and scatter yourself over a wide area" |

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Received on Thu Jan 30 1997 - 04:47:07 GMT

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