FVWM: Anybody preprocessing .fvwm2rc with FvwmCpp or FvwmM4?

From: Tomas Halvarsson <c95thn_at_cs.umu.se>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 16:00:24 +0100 (MET)

Could anybody that have a working .fvwm2rc file that is preprocessed
using either cpp or gcc (preferrably not m4) using the FvwmCpp (or
FvwmM4 module) please send me copies of their .fvwm2rc file, and the
command they use to invoke fvwm? I've tried getting that thing working
for a month now, but with no success at all.

I need info on how to do it using fvwm ver. 2.0.33, 2.0.40, 2.0.43 and
2.0.45 (have different versions on different architectures).

I think there was some change made around 2.0.40 on how to use
preprossesing (a change from -Read to -cmd or something like that).

Lotsa thanks in advance!

/Tomas Halvarsson

"Only the paranoid survive"

e-mail: psycho_at_pobox.com
www: http://www.pobox.com/~psycho

Student at the Department of Computing Science, Umea University, Sweden

PS. Yes, I asked the same question last december, but didn't get an
answer, and haven't been able to figure it out by myself. I am soooo
ashamed of myself :-)

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