FVWM: Window Placement problems (Active placment broken?)

From: John Tillema <tillema_at_hpfcjt.fc.hp.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 16:49:47 -0700 (MST)

I saw a post of this a while back, but haven't seen anything recently
to be able to tell if anyone else has this problem. I like having active
placement of windows (where I tell it where to go, much like the default twm
setup). In 2.0.40 and I think 2.0.43, I could do this using
ActivePlacement and NoPPosisition. Since 2.0.44 this seems to be broken,
windows popup in what I think is smart placement (maybe Clever, I'm not
sure what the differences are at the moment). If an open location exists,
it lands there, otherwise it waits for you to place it. Can anyone confirm
that ActivePlacement works? It does this for all applictions I startup
(including terminal windows, message boxes, etc). My .fvwmrc hasn't changed
styles between the two revs. (and the pertinent portions are attached below)
Any suggestions? (I haven't tried going through the code yet)

Style "*" ForeColor white, BackColor lightsteelblue3
Style "*" ActivePlacement, NoPPosition
Style "*" Icon unknown1.xpm
Style "*" FocusFollowsMouse

(I have this section both at the start of the styles area and at the end of


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Received on Mon Jan 27 1997 - 17:50:42 GMT

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