FVWM: Want focus and active pointer in new windows, especially transients

From: Lars Eighner <eighner_at_io.com>
Date: 16 Jan 2001 09:22:12 -0600

I am running 2.3.20, which is the latest version that is ported to FreeBSD.

I want dialogue windows (or any new windows) to get focus and to have an
active pointer in them. In particular, I want to do this with WordPerfect
so that tab between dialogue buttons and fields without using the mouse.
I don't know how cooperative WordPerfect 8 is with X, but so far I can't
get things to work right with native X applications - so that is my first

I have tried the examples in the FAQ with no success. The closest
I have got so far is to get new windows colored like they have focus
and raised, but the pointer doesn't go to the window and if it happens
to be where the window opens, it is in cross-hair form and for example
with xterm I can't type into the window (the little block after the
prompt is in outline form, like the window doesn't have focus, although
it is in the hilight colors).

I gather that I am supposed to do this with FvwmEvent, add_window and
some function defined to do what I want. But so far, defining that
function with various combinations of Focus, FlipFocus, Raise, and
WarpToWindow has not come up with what I am looking for. I think I
was able to do this at one time with hints for mouseless operation for
the disabled. But I lost my configuration with a crash and have been
unable to find the site with that information again.

Can someone tell me very slowly and clearly, like I am as senile as I,
exactly what I have to do?

  Lars Eighner           eighner_at_io.com           http://www.io.com/~eighner/
     Someday you will look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.
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