FVWM: Using FvwmCpp with gcc

From: Tomas Halvarsson <c95thn_at_cs.umu.se>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 10:45:10 +0100 (MET)

I've tried to get the FvwmCpp thing working with gcc (yes, I want to use
gcc) but can't get it to work.

Just putting the fvwm2rc file through gcc with the command:

gcc -x c -E -DOPTION1 fvwm2rc

works fine, but I can't figure out what to write in my Xsession file, that
starts up fvwm2. I've tried several things, the latest is:

eval fvwm2 -f "FvwmCpp -Cppprog /usr/local/bin/cpp -Cppopt -DOPTION1 $HOME/.X/exp/fvwm2rc"

but I can't even get it to work with the "real" cpp!

I've checked every web site I can find, I've read the mailing list archive
(and found a couple of hints, but none that works), I've played around for
hours fiddling with these things, when I have better things to do.

I _really_ want to use gcc, since I'm using this on both Sun SparcStation 4,
Sun ELC, SGI Indy, PC Pentium (Linux), and RS600 machines, and gcc
produces exactly the same output using the same switches on all those
machines. Please someone help me out here!

Many many many thanks in advance.

/Tomas Halvarsson


"Only the paranoid survive"

e-mail: psycho_at_pobox.com
www: http://www.pobox.com/~psycho

Student at the Department of Computing Science, Umea University, Sweden


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Received on Sun Dec 08 1996 - 03:45:33 GMT

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